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▽ Program recommendations

Being a digital artist, some programs make my life a lot easier. They are:


Krita is a very good art program that's available for free. I've been using it since forever and it's never let me down.


PostyBirb is an amazing program to help you schedule and post art to multiple sites at once. It has cut me a ton of work and helped me save a lot of valuable time. Life-changing stuff.


Obsidian is a great program to manage notes. I use it to organize commission info, references, OC stuff and a lot of other things. It's a very convenient program I'd be lost without.


SyncThing allows you to sync folders between multiple PCs and devices. I use it to backup things like Obsidian notes and image files between devices. It's really good and efficient. One of my favorite pieces of software and I'm always trying to convince friends to use it.

Microsoft PowerToys

PowerToys adds a lot of extra functions to Windows. My favorite thing is that it adds a resize image option to the right click menu, which saves me a lot of time when I have to upload to certain websites that have tight file size restrictions. It also has an universal colorpicker, an universal pixel ruler and a lot of other things. It's a really great package of extra tools for your PC. Ever since I discovered it it's been among the first things I get when I install Windows.


Jekyll is a program that lets you build your website a lot more easily than manually editting all your html files. You can separate stuff like the header and footer or whatever parts that you need to repeat over many pages and have the program insert them in other pages so that if you decide to change the design of a certain page element that change will be reflected in everything you did. It's also got a lot of tools for creating blog posts and galleries. It won't program your website for you but it'll make the process a lot less painful.

▢ Online resources

Animal Photo Art References Search: very useful resource for finding pictures of animal heads in specific angles.

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